Marla’s perspective: Three weeks after letting go of a relationship that would never happen, this handsome man flitted into my life. I had only lived in Texas for about five months before I spotted someone super hot at the gym. He happened to work there as the Assistant Sales Manager so I knew I would […]
Have you ever been hospitalized? If so, then you know it can be a scary experience. Hospitals aren’t known for their warm and inviting presence, but more of a cold and sterile one. Each year millions of children are hospitalized in the US alone. That’s a staggering number of children in cold sterile institutions in […]
One in three children on the street will be approached by a human trafficker within forty-eight hours of being on the street. Wow! This is one reason we want to be involved with Journey to Dream. From hundreds to thousands of homeless children make the street their home in the Dallas Fort Worth area. Many aged […]
(Part 1 of 2) Oval, Triangle, Rectangle, & Inverted Triangle Finding his perfect outfit On to the men! Before writing this blog, we hadn’t really thought about the different shapes of men. Typically, everyone is more concerned about the shape of women and flattering a woman’s body; however, there are guides out there to help […]
Aaron’s perspective: “She was stalking me!!” That’s how Aaron describes how we met. I mean, I guess it depends on which definition you use. The Oxford Dictionary defines it as to “pursue or approach stealthily.” It goes on to give examples of predators stalking their prey. So, I’m not sure I would go quite as […]
Change the course of a life Hopeless. This word describes the feeling of countless children in Zambia Africa. We’ve seen first hand the difference education makes on these children, which is one reason why we’re choosing to give back to this nonprofit. You see, education comes with costs and most families cannot afford food, let […]
DFW Photographer Giving back Isn’t the feeling of giving fantastic?! Whether it’s time, money, expertise, or a hot meal, we really like blessing others. Which is why we’re excited to announce that Althaus Photography is finally in a position that we can now give financially! 1 Corinthians 9:6-8 “The point is this: whoever sows sparingly […]
Center of the Mark “To love God, love people…that’s the center of the mark”* This song has been a mantra, an inspiration, and a reminder to me over the years. As we sit and contemplate our reasons for starting Althaus Photography, we are driven back to these lyrics. God gifted us both with complimentary talents […]