First impressions are a big deal to all of us, whether or we like it or not. When Aaron first took me home to meet his parents, Chris and Cheri greeted me with warmth and acceptance, opening their home and their hearts to me and leaving a wonderful first impression! It didn’t take long for me to feel a part of the family. They truly have hearts of gold.
Chris & Cheri recently celebrated their thirty-ninth wedding anniversary. They inspire many with their welcoming presence and warmth. Through the thick and thin, they continue making each other laugh. Their lives together are marked with fun and shared laughter.
Another wonderful quality found in them revolves around generosity. They are so giving and will do anything for you. Late one night, only a year into our marriage, Aaron ended up in the ER from being dehydrated. I called Chris and Cheri to let them know and before I knew it, the whole family showed up with refreshments and support. We could write pages on this, but we’ll save those for around the campfire! Just know how blessed I am to know them and I couldn’t ask for better in-laws.
No matter what the world throws at us, Chris and Cheri have always been there for us and each other. Their strength is unwavering when it comes to family. They will always show up when you need them. It is such a blessing to have in-laws with such strong character and who demonstrate such unconditional love.
Thank you for always being supportive of us and for giving me the best part of you!

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