The Proposal: Her Perspective
The proposal…a beautiful time of joy and happiness. The beginning of something new. A new title to the relationship. We just thought we were living on cloud nine while we were dating!
Sometimes, I’m a difficult one to surprise because I pay attention and notice almost everything. So, I’m sure Aaron had a difficult time figuring out how to surprise me for the proposal. I knew he had bought a ring and had asked my dad for his blessing. At one point I asked when he was going to pop the big question. To my surprise, he told me He planned for a date in February. I immediately blurted out that it better not be on Valentine’s Day. Haha! He would just smile and change the topic.
Can I have the ring yet?
All month long, I wondered when it would be, but nothing came. Valentine’s Day came and went as did the rest of the month. I asked again and he gave me the same answer. He was making me crazy! I guess it would have been better had I not known he had bought a ring already and was keeping it from me!
A little backstory…
One of our favorite hobbies is to read novels to each other. We’ve done it since the beginning of our relationship. Typically, we owned the book, but this particular one we had not purchased. Instead, we took dates to Borders (it used to be a bookstore like Barnes and Noble before it was bought out). We’d locate the book, get a cup of tea or coffee to drink, and read a couple of chapters to one another. At that time, we were reading Blink of an Eye by Ted Dekker…
February 29, 2008
The day was February 29th, 2008. Aaron and I were on our way to Borders for a reading date. He still had not popped the big question. Unless he was teasing me, he was going to ask the question sometime that day. But, I figured it would be after dinner because that seemed like the ideal time. As we drove to the bookstore, we discussed the book, where we left off, and what chapter was next. We argued for about five minutes about what chapter. I was getting a little irritated with him because I knew I was right about the next chapter being eleven. But, soon enough I could prove it to him.
We get to the store and I walk as quickly as I can to where the book should be and we can’t find a copy. There has to be a copy! I have to prove myself right! So, we keep looking. Typically there were at least two copies. Aaron finally finds it on the next shelf down. He grabs the book and as we walk over to the tables, I still tried convincing him we were ready for chapter eleven. He laughs and argues with me. He was being such a jerk!
The proposal
As we sit down, I hastily flip open the book and my mouth falls to the floor. I looked up and Aaron was down on one knee and a sparkly ring shone back at me from a hole he had cut in the book! He said some really amazing things that I don’t remember. I said of course I’d marry him and he slipped the ring onto my finger. I wrapped my arms around his neck! It was perfect!
Well, we obviously couldn’t read the book now because there was a hole in it, but Aaron had purchased another copy so we could finish it. As we were entirely too excited to concentrate on the book, we decided to leave. We stopped at the grocery store to pick up a fresh lobster as that used to be my favorite treat (not anymore as we only eat plants now). Then, we went back to my apartment where Aaron cooked up a delicious meal. He bought candles and everything was perfect. His proposal emanated perfection and it brings waves of happiness thinking about it! The afternoon and evening had all the feels of being in love and newly engaged!
Stay tuned for Aaron’s side of this beautiful proposal…

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