Her Perspective:
Back to our story…For our first date, I showed up at Aaron’s house with my roommate to find him making spaghetti in the kitchen with his friend…who happened to be a girl. We soon found out that she was the only other person coming to dinner.
His Perspective:
I asked a cute girl over to my place, told her I was having a dinner party and I panicked! What I didn’t tell her was that she was the first person I invited. I desperately called all my friends begging them to come over. Turns out, only one of them could come and that was Adaeze. I thought I had very cleverly avoided any awkwardness because at least one other friend of mine was coming.
Her Perspective:
Watching the two of them laugh and flirt left my heart confused as to his intentions. Throughout the night, I decided that it would be fine to just be his friend. This friend of his was really nice and they got along so well. We all laughed and chatted over dinner. I enjoyed our time, but was still receiving mixed signals from Aaron. I couldn’t quite figure him out. Maybe he was just a flirt. Who knew?
His Perspective:
The night turned out so perfectly. Marla and Adaeze hit it off and had a great time in conversation. I really hoped that she would get along with my friends, or friend in this case. After spending more time with Marla, outside of the gym, I knew for a fact that she was really amazing and I couldn’t wait to find more opportunities to see her.
Her Perspective:
After dinner, we were all cleaning up in the kitchen. Aaron put a tiny piece of spaghetti noodle in his mouth and as he talked, he accidentally spit it out onto my face. I imagine he was horrified, but I laughed so hard that I fell over on the ground crying. To this day, we remember the spaghetti noodle with much laughter!
His Perspective:
I was eating a stray piece of spaghetti off of the colander and Marla said something that made me laugh. The next thing I knew I saw an inch of noodle rocket across the distance between us and stick itself to Marla’s forehead. I just about died of embarrassment. The look on my face must have been worth the price of admission because everyone else just about died laughing. I remember Marla doubled over about to burst she was so tickled.
Her Perspective:
Once all the dishes found their way to the dishwasher and no more noodles were spewed onto my face, Aaron’s friend and my roommate both said they needed to leave. But Aaron asked if I would stay and play some DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) with him. The night was still young, so why not. For the next hour or two, we broke out the dance moves and had a great time. Again, though, the confusion as to his intentions remained. Was he into me or not? It sure appeared that way, but what about the girl he invited over?
His Perspective:
My clever plan finally paid off and Marla was comfortable hanging out at my place, just me and her! I broke out my sweet moves and showed her how to boogie on my homemade DDR pad. We had a blast. I tried to show off and felt I was quite impressive to witness. All in all, I felt like it was a successful night. What should we do on our next date?
I guess time will tell…

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